Saturday, December 12, 2009

Wart On Lip What Would Happen If I Used Wart Remover On My Upper Lip?

What would happen if I used wart remover on my upper lip? - wart on lip

I'm going crazy really warts use to the dark skin above the upper lip going on: no hair .... i havent done, but works to make the game face skin? i havent not a wart.


Bumkin said...

OMG! Please do not try, dass Have you tried using peroxide? What is the dark skin? Is this a sign of beauty? If so, it is known that light up the sun on the skin. Or try using Cetaphil often used for rosacea. Despite the attempts by the Women's Foundation. When mixed, and no one will know it here.

Bumkin said...

OMG! Please do not try, dass Have you tried using peroxide? What is the dark skin? Is this a sign of beauty? If so, it is known that light up the sun on the skin. Or try using Cetaphil often used for rosacea. Despite the attempts by the Women's Foundation. When mixed, and no one will know it here.

CM102 said...

Buy a bottle of pure lemon juice regular strength (not) concentrate. Soak a cotton pad and apply a few times a day. The lemon juice will help soothe the skin without harming it. It also contributes to scarring.

BTW: the treatment of warts are usually super concentrated salicylic acid. When you put it on bare skin without the pavement like a wart, it is more likely to eat through the skin and leave scars. Do not risk!

Medic Loretta said...

noooo! do not do that! can make the skin very very very bad damage, and even a scar!

you better go to your doctor!

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