Sunday, January 3, 2010

Cb Radio Range Cb Radio Range?

Cb radio range? - cb radio range

What can I increase my range of installing 4 watt CB, Im gettng only 2 miles with a fiberglass-3 Foot Pole diesel?

Links to teams or advice please


Sigi H said...

That's all right now with all the activity of sunspots and CMEs from the Sun.

To increase your range, you need to buy a linear amplifier. They have a flat frequency response up to 30 MHz - only for CB-27-MHz band. You need good production unit of 50 watts.

rdaltons... said...

I think it's high performance unit. Go Mobile "is to use a base loaded antenna placed in the middle of my roof, the antenna must be tuned for more on the performance of steel cables. Linear best boosters are good range, unless you are caught with them in CB (which totally illegal are, except for amateur radio use)

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