Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sleep Apnoea Has Anyone Ever Or Have A Problem When They Fall Asleep And Stop Breathing? Chest Feels Tighter. Sleep Apnoea?

Has anyone ever or have a problem when they fall asleep and stop breathing? Chest feels tighter. Sleep Apnoea? - sleep apnoea

Sometimes I fall asleep and hold your breath. The really awful and I can not say when that happened, as my breathing becomes shallow to go.
What is it?


thierrys... said...

I had sleep apnea for 6 years, is the only way to get a diagnosis, if so, then you must use a CPAP machine, which will be really the quality of life again

Thorpe-l... said...

People with sleep apnea tend to be aware of their condition and can go years without treatment. Often their partners are more aware and complain about the snoring through the following incredibly long silence, by choking and spit .... followed followed by snoring, etc. .... and all this without consciousness.

If you are concerned, it is worth talking to your doctor can a simple, painless, not embarrassing recommend sleep study.

pocketdr... said...

Your asthma is not COS I do that, but it seems that the brother of sleep apnea stop breathing for 2 minutes, sometimes more than he was a child, and may or time you stop breathing at Interior and downtime. UR gp visit, the mites, which are necessary to stop or constant pump fresh oxygen into the lungs of the Uruguay Round, to sleep apnea. with my brother, from cerebral palsy.

pocketdr... said...

Your asthma is not COS I do that, but it seems that the brother of sleep apnea stop breathing for 2 minutes, sometimes more than he was a child, and may or time you stop breathing at Interior and downtime. UR gp visit, the mites, which are necessary to stop or constant pump fresh oxygen into the lungs of the Uruguay Round, to sleep apnea. with my brother, from cerebral palsy.

pocketdr... said...

Your asthma is not COS I do that, but it seems that the brother of sleep apnea stop breathing for 2 minutes, sometimes more than he was a child, and may or time you stop breathing at Interior and downtime. UR gp visit, the mites, which are necessary to stop or constant pump fresh oxygen into the lungs of the Uruguay Round, to sleep apnea. with my brother, from cerebral palsy.

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